Takashi Murakami: Murakami.Flowers Dot Flower #0000 Floor Mat
Artwork © 2022 Takashi Murakami/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
This tufted floor mat features an iconic Takashi Murakami flower in pink and white on a light blue background. The image has been die-cut so that its overall shape mimics the pixel-like edges of the flower. The motif is based on the artist’s initial design for his Murakami.Flowers NFT project (2021–22). Murakami.Flowers combines Murakami’s influential Superflat aesthetic with a style that evokes nostalgia for the pixelated graphics of 1980s video games, especially those played on the Nintendo Famicon console.
Producer: Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd.
Year: 2022
Materials: Acrylic
Dimensions: 27 1/2 × 27 1/2 inches (70 × 70 cm)