Le Corbusier: Des Canons, des munitions? Merci! Des logis ... s.v.p.
A scarce first-edition copy, this illustrated monograph was published in conjunction with Le Corbusier’s Pavillon des Temps Nouveaux project, built for the International Exposition of 1937 in Paris. The publication includes a fascinating text by Le Corbusier that argues for the application of military technology to progressive urban architecture, while the cover features collaged images of a city, a cannon, fighter planes, and artillery shells. The title page bears a parenthetical note: “Ce titre date de janvier 1937; il n’est nullement une allusion à l'actualité brûlante des réarmements de 1938,” which translates to “This title dates from January 1937; it is in no way an allusion to the pressing news of the rearmaments of 1938.”
Publisher: Editions de l’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui
Publication date: 1938
Contributor: Le Corbusier
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 11 5/8 × 9 1/4 inches (29.5 × 23.5 cm)
Pages: 148
Language: French
Edition: First edition