Gagosian Quarterly: Summer 2020 Issue
The Summer 2020 issue of Gagosian Quarterly features Joan Jonas’s Mirror Piece 1 (1969) on its cover. In this issue, a new series, Leaders in the Arts, launches with an interview between Joanne Heyler, Bettina Korek, and Kristin Sakoda; Luc Sante writes on the enduring appeal of the cowboy and the resonance of that archetype in the work of Richard Prince; Carlos Valladares contemplates the history and evolution of gangster films; Jed Perl composes an abecedarium of Alexander Calder’s lifelong engagements with theater and dance; Gillian Jakab reads the love poems of Frank O’Hara, revealing the inspiration behind some of his most celebrated poetry; Sarah Sze describes the development of a recent collage; Anne Boyer continues “The Iconoclasts,” in the second installment of the Quarterly’s 2020 fiction series; and much more.
Publisher: Gagosian Media
Publication date: Summer 2020
Contributors: Wyatt Allgeier, Anne Baldassari, Anne Boyer, Richard Calvocoressi, Anaïs Duplan, Raymond Foye, Mark Francis, Allison Freedman Weisberg, Joanne Heyler, Sarah Hoover, Gillian Jakab, Flavin Judd, Jennifer Knox White, Christine Kondoleon, Bettina Korek, Megan N. Liberty, Maria Morris Hambourg, Terry R. Myers, Louise Neri, Kate Nesin, Adriano Pedrosa, Jed Perl, Charlotte Rampling, Olivier Saillard, Kristin Sakoda, Luc Sante, Carlos Valladares, Kara Vander Weg, Glenn Wharton
Designer: Graphic Thought Facility, London
Printer: Pureprint Group, Uckfield, England
Format: Softcover
Dimensions: 10 × 13 inches (25.1 × 33 cm)
Pages: 150
Language: English