Cover of the book Jeff Wall, published in 2019
Cover of the book Jeff Wall, published in 2019
Books & Magazines

Jeff Wall

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This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Jeff Wall at Gagosian, West 21st Street, New York. From his pioneering use in the 1970s of backlit color transparencies to his intricately constructed scenes of enigmatic incidents from daily life, literature, and film, Wall has expanded the definition of the photograph, both as object and illusion. The catalogue features the nine works in the exhibition, made between 2007 and 2018—several of which have never previously been exhibited or published—and includes an essay by Russell Ferguson. The two cover options illustrate alternate panels from a diptych, Pair of interiors (2018).

Publisher: Gagosian
Publication date: 2019
Contributor: Russell Ferguson
Designer: Graphic Thought Facility, London
Printer: Pureprint Group, Uckfield, England
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 10 3/4 × 12 3/4 inches (27.3 × 32.4 cm)
Pages: 66
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-938748-79-0


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