Cover of Documenta 5 book
Interior spread of book Documenta 5
Interior spread of book Documenta 5
Interior spread of book Documenta 5
Rare Books

Documenta 5

Ed Ruscha designed this binder-format catalogue for Harald Szeemann’s Documenta 5 (the full title of which was Befragung der Realität – Bildwelten heute [“Questioning Reality – Pictorial worlds today”]) in 1972. The brilliant orange cover features Ruscha’s screen-printed image of ants forming the number five; more than 150 featured artists are represented alphabetically, with individual entries accessible via tabbed dividers. This is a significant curatorial document and an important example of Ruscha’s book works. Reproduced here are images of artworks by Giuseppe Penone and Gerhard Richter illustrated in the catalogue.

Publisher: Documenta, Kassel, Germany
Publication date: 1972
Contributors: Harald Szeemann et al.
Format: 776 pages in two-ring binder
Dimensions: 10 1/2 × 12 1/2 × 3 1/4 inches (26.7 × 31.8 × 8.3 cm)
Pages: 776
Language: German
Edition: First edition


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