Bill Powers: Interviews with Artists
Bill Powers’s first nonfiction book, Interviews with Artists, collects twenty-two conversations with artists including George Condo, Rashid Johnson, Jeff Koons, Adam McEwen (whose painting graces the cover), and Ed Ruscha. Many of these interviews were originally published in Purple Fashion magazine (including those with Peter Beard, Dave Hickey, and Damien Hirst with Jay-Z), but several are published for the first time in this volume (Ryan McGinley, Tom Sachs, and Julian Schnabel). Discover what Kara Walker considers to be the first human artwork, read Dana Schutz’s recollections of drawing Barack Obama in person, and hear John Currin’s problem with bad reviews (“they’re usually right”).
Publisher: Gagosian
Publication date: 2013
Contributors: Matthew Barney, Peter Beard, Dan Colen, George Condo, John Currin, Rachel Feinstein, Dave Hickey, Damien Hirst, Jay-Z, Rashid Johnson, Jeff Koons, Wes Lang, Hanna Liden, Nate Lowman, Adam McEwen, Ryan McGinley, Richard Phillips, Bill Powers, Richard Prince, Ed Ruscha, Tom Sachs, Julian Schnabel, Dana Schutz, David Benjamin Sherry, Kara Walker
Dimensions: 5 1/8 × 7 3/4 inches (13 × 19.7 cm)
Format: Softcover
Pages: 344
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-935263-70-8